So I'm a Doctor Who fan. (If you don't know who or what I'm talking about and love sci-fi stuff then you should definitely google it). Anyway, so there was a recent (this seasons) episode that i saw a re-run of "The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood" on BBC. It got me to thinking about how the world were to react if an alien species were to make themselves known. Would we want make peace with them? or would they just be too different to live among us (assuming they weren't hostile)? If aliens were to make it known that they were not here to do any harm but to observe and live among us, would humans be able to accept them as equals? Would we be able to even maybe make friends?
Personally i don't think we would. Humans have always been quick to shut down or poke fun at anything and anyone who is different from what they see as the "norm". But what exactly is normal? Everyone has a difference in opinion.
nor·mal –adjective
conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; notabnormal; regular; natural.
serving to establish a standard.
To the Nazis killing jews was "normal". To early Americans having African-Americans as slaves was "normal". So could and alien species being your next door neighbor become normal? Not for most. Even if they agreed to peace and wanted to live here as equals with the human race, would we be able to accept that? Or would there always be that suspicion in the back of our minds that something else was going on?
I just don't think the human race is as advanced as we think we are. We still kill each other for no reason at all...we still loot and rob people...we still seem to not care whats right and whats wrong. For christ sake we still use all of our natural resources knowing that we will soon run out and never get those back. Maybe this is the reason we have not been offered a vision into the unknown realm of space. Maybe we are still seen as apes to every other species out there. I can only imagine how primitive we do look to other species (assuming there are any out there). We should be on this earth to make it a better place...not tear it and each other down. Lets refine the definition of normal in most peoples eyes and make them see that there is no "normal". There is only what we see as right and what we see as wrong.
Can we all be trusted with the responsibility to make our own right choices, and not be afraid of the consequences because we knew that it was for the better? No, we can't. We only seem to want to live our lives for OUR better, not for the better of humanity. We are a very selfish race indeed. I just wish i wasn't the only one to see this. And i know this started off as one thing and is meshed with many other topics, but I'm just now realizing how selfish we actually are. We praise movie stars because they entertain us, but pay no mind to scientists looking for a cure to cancer. We drill for oil in places that already have unstable living conditions. We pollute our air with automobiles like Hummers and Range Rovers because they look cool. If we were to start looking out for more people then ourselves then i think the world would be a WAY easier place to live in.
Do i think this will ever actually occur? hell no! But i do think its worth a shot. Imagine the world working together to improve the chance of us being seen as important to the rest of the universe. It could be a very beautiful thing.
Beirut - "Nantes" <---thanks to brandon :)
DRAWING OF THE DAY <--- link to my deviantart profile
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